Valeria Nelson
Legal Assistant
Email : val@kenhoytlaw.ca
Phone : 613-231-2995 x 31
Originally from Sudbury, Ontario, Valeria Nelson graduated from the Legal Secretary Course from Cambrian College and has called Ottawa home since the year Footloose, This is Spinal Tap, and Splash made their theatrical release. Val has experience in firms of all sizes and has worked in all areas of law. She joined Ken Hoyt Law over 18 years ago and is our Senior Clerk working predominantly in Real Estate, Business, and Corporate Law. Valeria’s 40 years of legal experience provides our staff and clients with a great resource and the means to succeed in any transaction. She is our in-office trouble-shooter and diplomat, which she comes by naturally and not as a result of her “experience.” Outside of the firm, Valeria loves spending time with her family. You’d often find her at a hockey rink, baseball game or at any Car or Boat Show. She is also a proud grandmother (Nonna) to two beautiful boys who love painting and watching farm animals near her home. She is, as a result, more youthful than some of her newer colleagues. If you ever want to know where to travel next, Valeria is a travel enthusiast and has travelled across Canada, the United States, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, and many countries in Europe.